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Archipelago of Artistic Practices. A Jubilee programme at M HKA


14-15 Jun 2025

As part of Museum of the Commons, M HKA seeks to reflect on the role of technology in supporting artistic research practices. The platform for artistic research Jubilee has proposed Archipelago of Artistic Practices, an ambitious programme taking place in conjunction with M HKA’s exhibition The Geopolitics of Infrastructure.

The programme is based on a discursive evaluation of Eavatea, a digi­tal ​map­ping tool for research-based and inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry prac­ti­ces. Currently under development, Eavatea is titled after a word not­ed on a map drawn by Tupaia, a Poly­ne­si­an mas­ter navi­ga­tor who in 1769 joined Cap­tain Coo­k’s expe­di­ti­on to Tahi­ti. Tupaia mer­ged the Wes­tern Mercator map­ping para­digm with traditional forms connected to nature, thus bringing two systems of representation into convergence.

Archipelago of Artistic Practices comprises a series of artistic and discursive presentations, alongside moments of constructive reflection. It seeks to interrogate the Eavatea interface as an innovative relational infrastructure —one that could inspi­re and ini­ti­a­te new research-based artistic tra­jec­to­ries.